- CSSS Fellow Award
- CSSS Honorary Membership Award
- CSSS Early Career Award
- Soil Science for Society Award
- Dr. Karl C. Ivarson Soil Science Scholarship
- Student Travel Awards
- Student Presentation Awards
- Student Book Award
- CSSS Pedology Travel Award
- Steve Pawluk Scholarship
CSSS Fellow Award
This is awarded to CSSS members with a distinguished record of accomplishment in Soil Science and service to the Society. The regulations covering the nomination procedure and documentation and evaluation of nominees are given below:
A. Regulations
- Nominees must be members in good standing at the time of their nomination and must have been a CSSS member of at least a total of 10 (not necessarily continuous) years.
- Up to two CSSS members can be awarded a Fellowship in any year. Persons wishing to nominate someone who was previously unsuccessful as a nominee may do so by submitting new, original nomination documentation.
- Each nominee must have one nominator and three supporting sponsors.
- Members of CSSS Council and the Awards Committee cannot serve as a nominator or sponsor.
- Approval of this award shall be a unanimous decision by the Awards Committee members.
B. Nomination Documentation
(maximum 8 pages, 2-3 cm margins, 12 pt. type)
1. A one page introductory letter submitted by the nominator and three sponsors including:
- Name, address, telephone number, email address of the candidate.
- Name, address, telephone number, email address of the nominator and three sponsors.
- One page summary by nominator outlining achievements of the nominee.
2. Nomination documents must include:
- Personal achievements (e.g., degrees, memberships, service to CSSS)
- Professional achievement (e.g., research, teaching, service to Soil Science)
- Professional publications (number of books, papers, patents, products, etc.)
- A list of the 10 most significant publications, products, achievements, etc.
- Letters of support are required from all three sponsors and must be included in the 8-page maximum
C. Nomination Evaluation
Nominations are evaluated by the CSSS Awards Committee. A minimum of 60 points is required to consider a nominee for this award. The criteria for evaluating the nomination is (out of 100 points):
- Personal achievements (maximum of 20 points)
- Professional achievement (maximum of 35 points)
- Professional publications – both numbers and impact as indicated by the nominator (maximum of 15 points)
- Achievements as shown in sponsors or other letters of support (maximum of 10 points for each of the three letters).
Please send applications by April 1, 2025 to:
Judith Nyiraneza
President-Elect, Canadian Society of Soil Science
Chair, CSSS Awards Committee
E-Mail: judith.nyiraneza@agr.gc.ca
Only the following formats will be accepted: Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF.
CSSS Honorary Membership Award
This is awarded to non-members who have rendered valuable or special service to soil science. All nominations, which are evaluated by the Awards Committee, must have the following documentation:
- Name, address, telephone number, email address of the candidate.
- One page letter briefly outlining the reasons for the nomination.
- A brief résumé (< 3 pages) of the candidate indicating their service to soil science.
- One page letter from each of three individuals supporting the nomination.
Please send applications by April 1, 2025 to:
Judith Nyiraneza
President-Elect, Canadian Society of Soil Science
Chair, CSSS Awards Committee
E-Mail: judith.nyiraneza@agr.gc.ca
Only the following formats will be accepted: Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF.
Approval of this award must be a unanimous decision by the Awards Committee members.
CSSS Early Career Award
The CSSS Early Career Award recognizes professionals who have made an outstanding contribution to Soil Science within five (5) years of completing their most recent degree (e.g. BSc, MSc, PhD). Details on eligibility, nomination procedures and evaluation of nominees follow.
- Nominators are required to be CSSS members in the year of nomination.
- Nominators can nominate one person per year.
- Members of the current (year of award) CSSS Awards Committee and the CSSS Council are not eligible to be a nominator.
- Former recipients of this award are not eligible.
- This is an individual award and teams are not eligible.
- Members of the CSSS Awards Committee and the CSSS Council in the year of the award are not eligible.
- Nominees must be CSSS members in the year of nomination.
- Nominees must be within 5 years of their last degree or academic program as of December 31 in the award year (e.g., to be eligible for the 2025 award the nominee must have completed her/his program no earlier than January 1, 2021). The date of completion of the degree or program is when all requirements (e.g., final thesis submission following defense) have been met and not the convocation date. Documentation in the form of formal transcripts is required; if documentation is not available, a letter from the supervisor confirming the date will be acceptable.
- Career interruptions (e.g. parenthood, illness) will be taken into consideration following appropriate justification.
- Nominees must be living at the time of their nomination.
- Members of the CSSS Awards Committee and the CSSS Council in the year of the award are not eligible to be references.
- Name, postal address, telephone number, email address of the nominator.
- Current position title of the nominator.
- Name, postal address, telephone number, email address of the nominee.
- Current position title of the nominee.
- Degrees and/or diplomas with dates completed of the nominee.
- Honours and awards received by the nominee.
- Provide list with brief details to indicate significance of the award.
- Character limit, including spaces 3000.
- Narrative.
- Nominator letter to introduce the nominee and rationale for nominating the candidate.
- Character limit including spaces: 6000.
- Contributions
i. Teaching contributions
- Percentage of weight on this activity (assigning zero to one or more contribution areas will not weaken the nomination; enter 0% if not applicable to the nominee).
- Provide information on courses taught with number of students for each, undergraduate and graduate student advising, evaluation of teaching effectiveness, other related teaching activities, and teaching grants (proposals written and funding received).
- Character limit including spaces: 4500.
ii. Extension, service, and outreach contributions.
- Percentage of weight on this activity (assigning zero to one or more contribution areas will not weaken the nomination; enter 0% if not applicable to the nominee).
- List and evaluate extension activities, service activities (positions and accomplishments in professional societies, universities, etc.), and extension and/or outreach grants (proposals written and funding received).
- Character limit including spaces: 4500.
iii. Research contributions.
- Percentage of weight on this activity (assigning zero to one or more contribution areas will not weaken the nomination; enter 0% if not applicable to the nominee).
- List and evaluate basic and/or applied research activities, other related research activities, and research grants (proposals written and funding received).
- Character limit including spaces: 4500.
iv. Private sector contributions.
- Percentage of weight on this activity (assigning zero to one or more contribution areas will not weaken the nomination; enter 0% if not applicable to the nominee).
- List and evaluate achievement and other related activities in the private sector.
- Character Limit including spaces: 4500.
- Statement from the nominee.
- A brief statement from the nominee explaining the impact of their work has had on their community, whether it be local, scientific, or academic. The nominee may reflect on their vision of soil science in Canada and how this Early Career Scientist Award may contribute to that vision.
- Character Limit including spaces: 4500.
- Reference letters
- Minimum two (2) and maximum three (3) reference letters are required.
- Each letter has a maximum 1-page length with 1 inch margins, single spacing and Arial 11 font.
- Justify why the nominee deserves this award.
- Contributions (maximum of 70 points)
- High quality teaching practises at the undergraduate and/or graduate levels.
- Effectiveness in service, extension and/or outreach activities.
- Significance and originality of basic and/or applied research.
- Private sector application of soil science.
- Statement from the nominee (maximum of 10 points)
- Impact as demonstrated in letter from nominator and supporting reference letters. (maximum of 20 points)
Please send applications by April 1, 2025 to:
Judith Nyiraneza
President-Elect, Canadian Society of Soil Science
Chair, CSSS Awards Committee
E-Mail: judith.nyiraneza@agr.gc.ca
Only the following formats will be accepted: Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF.
Approval of this award must be a unanimous decision by the Awards Committee members.
CSSS Soil Science for Society Award
This is awarded to a member or non-member who has made a contribution towards promoting soil science to the general public. The Award winner receives a plaque or certificate recognizing their contribution.
All nominations, which are evaluated by the CSSS Awards Committee, must have the following documentation:
- Name, address, telephone number, email address of the candidate.
- One page letter briefly outlining the reasons for the nomination.
- A brief résumé (< 3 pages) of the candidate indicating their contribution(s) to promoting soil science to the public.
- One page letter from each of three individuals supporting the nomination.
Please send applications by April 1, 2025 to:
Judith Nyiraneza
President-Elect, Canadian Society of Soil Science
Chair, CSSS Awards Committee
E-Mail: judith.nyiraneza@agr.gc.ca
Only the following formats will be accepted: Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF.
Approval of this award must be a unanimous decision by the Awards Committee members.
Dr. Karl C. Ivarson Soil Science Scholarship
This scholarship was created by Dr. Karl C. Ivarson through a gift to the Agricultural Institute of Canada Foundation, which eventually became the Canadian Foundation for Food and Agricultural Education. In 2024, the administration of this scholarship passed to the CSSS. Dr. Ivarson’s wish was to provide financial support to a student(s) entering second or subsequent year of graduate studies in soil science (in areas of agriculture, agro-ecology, resource management, environment, geology, or other related disciplines) at a recognized Canadian university.
The Canadian Society of Soil Science is offering (1) $2,000 Ivarson Soil Science Scholarships in 2025
- Candidates must hold Canadian citizenship or Permanent Resident status in Canada.
- Candidates must be registered full-time and must be in their second or subsequent year of a graduate program in soil science (agriculture, agro-ecology, resource management, environment, geology, or other related disciplines) at a recognized Canadian university. Note: First year PhD students are eligible if they have studied soil science at the Masters level.
- A letter from your university confirming enrolment must be included in your application.
- Previous recipients of this scholarship are not eligible for subsequent awards.
Selection Criteria
Selection of scholarship recipients will be based solely on information provided as part of the application. No restrictions are placed on scholarship applicants holding other grants or awards or receiving assistance or income from other sources. Scholarships are awarded using the following criteria, not listed in order of importance: 1) Academic Achievement, 2) Areas of Study, 3) Community Involvement, 4) Career Interests, and 5) Letters of Recommendation.
How to Apply
Step 1: Read the full 2025 application guidelines: 2025 Application Guidelines (PDF)
Step 2: Download and complete the application form: 2025 Application Form (MS Word)
Step 3: Assemble your application package with all required documentation into 1 PDF:
- A completed and signed 2025 Ivarson Soil Science Scholarship application form.
- Official Transcripts from all post-secondary institutions. NOTE: Only PDF scans of official transcripts will be accepted and must be included as part of the application and received by the deadline.
- A letter from your university confirming enrolment in your current Masters or PhD program.
- Compile all parts of your application (except reference letters) into one pdf document before submission. Preferred order is Application form, Letter of Enrollment, Transcripts. Note that free PDF merge tools are available online, e.g. www.ilovepdf.com
Step 4: Submit your application package by April 15, 2025:
- Your completed application package PDF must be submitted electronically by the deadline to Judith Nyiraneza (judith.nyiraneza@agr.gc.ca), subject line: Ivarson Soil Scholarship Application for Name
Step 5: Have up to 3 referees submit a reference form:
Provide Up to three (3) letters of reference (using the form provided below). Reference forms must be submitted directly by the referees to Judith Nyiraneza (judith.nyiraneza@agr.gc.ca). See full application guidelines for details.
- Application Guidelines (PDF)
- Application Form (MS Word)
- Reference Form (Fillable PDF)
Applications Deadline is April 15, 2025:
Student Travel Awards
CSSS-CJSS Student Travel Awards for International Soil Science Meetings
The Canadian Society of Soil Science (CSSS) and the Canadian Journal of Soil Science (CJSS) are pleased to jointly sponsor two awards annually to provide travel funds for student members of CSSS to attend international soil science meetings.
The Travel Award for International Soil Science Meetings allows student members to broaden the scope of their work and expand their relationships with soil science researchers outside of Canada. This is expected to build capacity and increase the engagement of students studying soil science at Canadian universities in the international soil science milieu.
- Award applicants must be registered at a Canadian University or College and a student member of CSSS in good standing at the time of application.
- Eligible applications will be those that involve attendance of an international soil science meeting outside of Canada.
- An international meeting is defined as an advanced workshop, a conference, a symposium or a congress where the applicant pays a registration fee to attend and has the opportunity to communicate their scientific findings.
- Priority is given to applicants who will be the presenting author that attends and communicates their scientific results at the international soil science meeting, such as in the form of a poster, an oral presentation or in a peer-reviewed conference proceedings.
- Students attending regular project meetings, participating in training courses, internships and work assignments outside of Canada are not eligible for support.
- A student member of CSSS may only receive the award once.
- Awards will be made to up to three successful applicants in any given year. The award amount is not fixed and depends on (i) the number of successful applications, and (ii) the total cost of travelling to and attending the conference.
- Due to the requirements for advanced registration for many meetings, funds may be allocated for an international scientific meeting in the year of application or the following year. If travel to the conference does not occur, the funds are forfeited.
- Funds will be awarded to cover costs for registration, travel, accommodation and meals (at the per diem rate of the applicant’s institution) and associated fees (e.g., visa, travel insurance). The application should include estimates for each of these categories, but the award will be based on the actual receipts for registration, accommodation and travel (per diem on actual days travelled), and should not exceed the estimation by more than 20%.
- A total of $9000 is allocated annually and awards will be made until the funds are exhausted. Typically, $3000 will earmarked for each of the award periods, with any unallocated funds being carried forward to the next period.
- Eligible applicants must submit a one-page letter describing the international soil science meeting to be attended, the dates of the meeting, the deadlines for registration, how they will communicate their scientific findings at the meeting and why it is an appropriate venue to engage with the international soil science community. Applicants should also submit a budget estimate, including as much documentation as possible to show the basis for this estimate (e.g. registration fees, accommodation, airfare, etc.).
- The applicant’s primary supervisor must send a short (one-page) letter in support of the student’s application.
- Applications should be submitted to the Chair of the Awards Committee for that year, who is the CSSS President Elect.
- Applications will be reviewed three times per year, or until all available funds have been allocated. Complete applications must be submitted by March 15th, June 15th, or September 15th; award confirmations will be made by March 31st, June 30th, and September 30th, respectively. If no applications have been received by the September deadline, applications will be evaluated in the order that they are received for the remainder of the calendar year.
Awards will be decided by the CSSS Awards Committee, with final approval by the CSSS Council.
Please send a completed application form (MS Word Document) to:
Judith Nyiraneza
President-Elect, Canadian Society of Soil Science
Chair, CSSS Awards Committee
E-Mail: judith.nyiraneza@agr.gc.ca
Student Travel Awards to CSSS Annual Meeting
This Award was established in 1991 to encourage student attendance at the CSSS Annual Meeting. Since 2016, student travel to society meetings and conferences has been sponsored in part by the Agricultural Institute of Canada.
Graduate students who are CSSS members are eligible to receive this award. The Student Travel Award is $700 and a maximum of 12 awards are given each year.
Application deadline is April 1, 2025.
Awards are based on the following criteria:
- Is the student a member of CSSS? (Students must be CSSS members to apply)
- Will the student be presenting an oral paper or poster? (Preference will be given to students who will be giving either an oral or a poster presentation over students who are just planning to attend the conference without giving a presentation).
- Is the research summary reasonable (rationale, hypothesis, objective) and clearly written?
- Has the student received a previous travel award from CSSS? (Preference will be given to students who have not previously received a travel award).
- Has the student informed his/her supervisor or department chair and had their application form signed?
Awards will be decided by the CSSS Awards Committee, with final approval by the CSSS Council.
Please send a completed application form (MS Word Document) to:
Judith Nyiraneza
President-Elect, Canadian Society of Soil Science
Chair, CSSS Awards Committee
E-Mail: judith.nyiraneza@agr.gc.ca
Student Presentation Awards
C.F. Bentley Award (Oral Presentations)
This Award was initiated in 1983 to encourage and recognize excellence in oral presentations by students at the CSSS Annual Meetings. It honours Dr. Fred Bentley who was CSSS President in 1956-57 and inducted as a CSSS Fellow in 1973. The Award winner receives $500, the first runner-up $300, and the second runner-up $200. The Evaluation Form provided to judges indicates the scoring criteria for oral presentations. Students must be CSSS members at time of their presentations at the Annual Meetings.
President’s Award (Poster Presentations)
This award was established in 1992 to foster excellence in student poster presentations as a means of disseminating research results at the CSSS Annual Meetings. The President’s Award is: $500 for the winner, $300 for the first runner-up and $200 for the second runner-up. The Evaluation Form provided to judges indicates the scoring criteria for poster presentations. Students must be CSSS members at time of their presentations at the Annual Meetings.
When submitting an abstract for the CSSS Annual Meetings, graduate students should indicate that they wish to be considered for a Student Presentation Award. Students must be CSSS members at time of their presentations at the Annual Meetings. Please note that only one presentation (oral OR poster) per student may be submitted for judging.
The Chair of the Awards Committee (CSSS President-Elect) appoints judges for these awards, provides the judges with evaluation forms and monitors the judging. A Ranking Procedure is available to assist judges in placing award winners.
CSSS Student Book Award
This award recognizes undergraduates at Canadian universities who demonstrate excellence in Soil Science. Award winners receive a printed copy of Digging into Canadian Soils (An Introduction to Soil Science), jointly published by CSSS in 2021. Candidates are nominated by their academic department.
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CSSS Pedology Travel Award
Canada has a long and rich history of soil classification, soil survey and Pedology. Formal soil surveys, initiated more than 90 years ago, helped characterize the areal extent of our country’s most important natural resource. Parts of Canadian system of soil classification have been emulated and adapted in other classification systems, and Canadian pedologists have contributed significantly to the development of these disciplines in other countries). The development of Canadian soil science is underpinned by Pedology and was critical not only for the development of Canada’s natural resources, but is now critically needed to meet contemporary societal challenges and actively engage in solving issues. As such, it is important for CSSS members to participate in international meetings and workshops, specifically those related to Pedology, so as to secure our international presence and the future of our expertise in this area of soil science.
Priority will be given to applications for meetings outside of Canada.
- Award applicants must be regular (non-student) members in good standing at the time of application.
- Priority will be given to applications for meetings outside of Canada.
- A maximum of $6000 can be awarded each year.
- One or more awards may be funded each year, depending on the number of applications and the total cost of applications.
- Typically, $2000 will be available for each of the award periods, with any unallocated funds carried forward to the next period.
- A CSSS member may only receive the award once.
- Due to the requirements for advanced registration for many workshops, funds may be for meetings in the year of application or the following year.
- Funds will be awarded to cover costs for registration, travel, accommodation and meals (at the per diem rate of the applicant’s institution). The application should include estimates for each of these categories, but the award will be based on receipts for registration, accommodation and travel (per diem on actual days travelled), and should not exceed the estimation by more than 20%.
- Applicants must submit a one-page letter describing the conference/workshop or meeting to be attended, the importance of this meeting to Pedology, the dates of the meeting, and deadlines for registration. Applicants should also submit a budget estimate, including as much documentation as possible to show the basis for this estimate (e.g. registration fees, accommodation, airfare, etc.).
- Applications should be submitted to the Chair of the Awards Committee for that year, who is the CSSS President Elect.
- Applications will be reviewed three times per year, or until all available funds have been allocated. Complete applications must be submitted by March 15th, June 15th, or September 15th; award confirmations will be made by March 31st, June 30th, and September 30th, respectively. If no applications have been received by the September deadline, applications will be evaluated in the order that they are received for the remainder of the calendar year.
Awards will be decided by the CSSS Awards Committee, with final approval by the CSSS Executive.
Please send completed applications to:
Judith Nyiraneza
President-Elect, Canadian Society of Soil Science
Chair, CSSS Awards Committee
E-Mail: judith.nyiraneza@agr.gc.ca
Steve Pawluk Scholarship
2025 Application Guidelines And Selection Criteria
Dr Steve Pawluk was a professor in the Department of Soil Science at the University of Alberta. His research focused on understanding dynamic changes within soil systems that impact soil relationships influenced by hydrogeology, geomorphology, vegetation and soil fauna. His work occurred on major Canadian soils, including Podzols, Solonetzes, Brunisols, Chernozems, Luvisols, Gleysols and Cryosols. He served as chair of the Department of Soil Science and as Associate Dean (Research) for the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. He contributed greatly to the International Congress of Soil Science held in Edmonton, Alberta in 1978, was named a Canadian Society of Soil Science (CSSS) Fellow in 1980 and served as President of CSSS in 1983.
One annual scholarship of $2,000 will be administered by CSSS to support graduate students in programs focused on soil science; for example, in agriculture, forestry, environmental sciences or land reclamation.
Application Deadline: 30 September 2025 midnight EDT
Scholarship Eligibility Criteria (click here for details)
Applicants must:
- Be registered at a Canadian university full time in a thesis based MSc or PhD program.
- Have completed at least one full year of their graduate program at a Canadian institution.
- Continue to be enrolled in their graduate program at least one semester beyond the application deadline for the scholarship.
- Complete the application form and submit it by the specified date.
- Provide names of three referees who are willing to provide letters of support for the application.
Scholarship Selection Criteria
- Scholarship recipients will be selected solely on information provided in their application.
- Preference will be given to applicants conducting soil science research on landscape dynamics or micromorphology, including soil formation processes, soil evolution over time or across landscapes, soil processes involved in providing ecosystem services, and research using innovative tools or interdisciplinary approaches.
- Preference will be given to early to mid program students.
- Individuals can receive this scholarship only once in their program.
- No annual scholarship will be awarded if there is no suitable applicant.
- No restrictions are placed on scholarship applicants holding other grants or awards or receiving assistance or income from other sources.
- Recipients must permit a short biography to be published for public relations related to the scholarship.
- Applications will be assessed using the following criteria, not listed in order of importance: academic achievement, area(s) of study, community involvement, career interests, communication skills and letters of recommendation.
Scoring Selection Criteria (100 points total)
Part 1. Academic Achievement (25 points total)
- Marks from three most recent soil science courses and overall GPA of current program (15 points maximum).
- Honours, awards, achievements (10 points maximum).
Part 2. Study Areas (25 points total)
- Undergraduate and post-graduate courses related to soil sciences (10 points maximum).
- Relevance of courses taken to scholarship objectives (5 points maximum).
- Succinct and relevant research focus and objectives (10 points maximum).
Part 3. Community Involvement (10 points total)
- Community service (5 points maximum).
- Leadership, such as project organizer or initiator (5 points maximum).
Part 4. Career Interests (10 points total)
- Work experience directly related to soils and related sciences (3 points maximum).
- Career goals achieved (2 points maximum)
- Skills developed as part of the career trajectory (3 points maximum).
- Future personal, educational and career goals for the next ten years as related to soil science (2 points maximum).
Part 5. Communication Skills (10 points total)
- Communication skills in how the selection criteria are addressed clearly and concisely (5 points maximum).
Part 6. Reference Letters (20 points total)
- Three letters of reference provided from the graduate program supervisor, another faculty member, person outside academia or employer.
- Letter from supervisor or another faculty member (10 points maximum)
- Second and third letters of reference (5 points each maximum).
- Reference letters must be sent directly to CSSS Awards Program Chair, Dr Judith Nyiraneza, at judith.nyiraneza@agr.gc.ca by the referee using the referee form provided. Use subject line: Pawluk Soil Reference For Last Name of Applicant.
How to Apply
Submit a completed application package and provide all documentation requested by 30 September 2025.
Application Package and Required Documentation
- A completed and signed Pawluk Scholarship application form.
- Official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions. Only PDF scans of official transcripts will be accepted and must be included as part of the application and received by the deadline.
- A letter from the applicant’s university confirming enrolment in a current Masters or PhD program.
Compile all parts of the application (except reference letters) into one pdf document before submission. Preferred order is application form, letter of enrollment, transcripts. Note that free PDF merge tools are available online; e.g. ilovepdf.com/.
The completed application package PDF must be submitted electronically by the deadline to the Canadian Society of Soil Science Awards Program Chair, Dr Judith Nyiraneza at judith.nyiraneza@agr.gc.ca: Pawluk Scholarship Application for Applicant Name.
Three (3) letters of reference (using the form provided) must be submitted directly by the referees to CSSS Awards Program Chair, Dr Judith Nyiraneza, at judith.nyiraneza@agr.gc.ca. Use subject line: Pawluk Scholarship Reference for Last Name of Applicant.
Application deadline is midnight EDT 30 September 2025