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About CSSS

Society Administration

The Society is administered by a nine-member Council consisting of a President, President-Elect, Past-President, Secretary, Treasurer, two Councillors (Western and Eastern Councillor), Graduate Student Representative, and the Editor of the Canadian Journal of Soil Science. Council meets once annually, at the Annual Meeting, and conducts ongoing e-mail correspondence and business motions throughout the year. The Annual Meeting consists of both Scientific and Business Meetings, and concludes with an Awards Banquet.

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Rapport de mission

La société canadienne de science du sol est une organisation non gouvernementale et à but non lucratif représentant les scientifiques, ingénieurs, technologues, administrateurs et étudiants impliqués de manière professionnelle dans la science du sol. Son but est d’encourager le développement de la science du sol au Canada et d’assurer sa pertinence à l’ avenir. La société parvient à atteindre cet objectif en:

  1. promouvant un usage judicieux des sols pour le bénéfice de la société entière;
  2. promouvant l’échange d’information et de technologie entre les professionnels de la science du sol;
  3. encourageant l’intégration des étudiants au sein de la communauté professionnelle des sciences du sol;
  4. fournissant un lien entre les scientifiques des sols dans les secteurs privés, publics et universitaires;
  5. disséminant la recherche et les applications pratiques des résultats de science du sol;
  6. représentant la communauté canadienne de science du sol aux rencontres et organismes internationaux;
  7. célébrant les accomplissements des scientifiques du sol canadiens.

Mission Statement

The Canadian Society of Soil Science (CSSS) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization for scientists, engineers, technologists, administrators and students involved in professional soil science. Its goal is to nurture the discipline of soil science in Canada and ensure its relevance in the future. It works to achieve this goal by:

  1. promoting the wise use of soil for the benefit of all society,
  2. promoting information and technology exchange among people in the professional soil science community,
  3. fostering the integration of students into the professional soil science community,
  4. providing a link between soil scientists in the private, public, and university sectors,
  5. disseminating research and the practical application of findings in soil science,
  6. representing the Canadian soil science community in international organizations and meetings, and
  7. celebrating the accomplishments of Canadian soil scientists.