Student Photo Contest

Are you a student interested in visually projecting your research? Do you have interesting and memorable research photos you are willing to share? Then look no further as the CSSS is accepting submissions for the Canadian Journal of Soil Science (CJSS) student photo contest. CJSS is a quarterly journal, and one photo will be selected for each issue.

Submission deadlines are:
· January 25th (for the March issue)
· April 25th (for the June issue)
· July 25th (for the September issue)
· October 25th (for the December issue).

All submissions must meet the following specifications:

· Image should focus on some aspect of soil science to reflect CJSS content.
· Image size and resolution: at least 8.5″ x 11″ at 300 dpi or better.
· Cell phone photographs are acceptable as long as they meet the above criteria.
· No collages; one single image only.
· Image in focus and not blurry.
· Image must not include people.
· No manipulation or heavy editing of image required.
· Acceptable image formats are .jpg, .png, or .tif.

Students may submit more than one image per competition and may enter more than one competition

All entries should be sent to:
M. Anne Naeth ( and Blake Weiseth (

The next deadline for submission –  July 25th, 2024.

The top submission will receive a $125 cash prize and the winning photograph will be featured on the cover of the Canadian Journal of Soil Science and on the CSSS website.


If you are interested in submitting photos for consideration by the CJSS as an issue cover or as advertising material but not as part of the student photo contest please send directly to M. Anne Naeth ( Any interested party can submit images provided that the images meet the criteria outlined for the student competition.