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Canadian Society of Soil Science

June 2001


I am pleased to announce the following appointments (by acclamation) to CSSS Council: President Elect: Dr. Ahmet Mermut ( Univ. of Sask.), Eastern Councillor: Dr. Denis Angers, Graduate Student Representative: Vimy Glass ( Univ. of Guelph). Special welcome to Vimy as our graduate student representative. I know your first priority is your graduate work, so your willingness to contribute to CSSS is greatly appreciated. I look forward to working with all of you in the following year. Special thanks to Dr. Régis Simard (past President) who is finishing his last year on council. Régis has contributed significantly to CSSS Council and his advice will be missed.

The CSSS has been invited to be a member society of the International Union of Soil Science Societies (IUSS). The IUSS was created from a restructured International Society of Soil Science (ISSS) on August 26, 1998. Within the new IUSS structure, national soil science societies (e.g. CSSS) can become full members. Currently, individuals can join IUSS/ISSS for approximately $18.00 (i.e. $12.00 US$). However, within a year individual membership in IUSS will only be accepted from those countries where no national organization of soil science exists. The cost for CSSS to join IUSS is approximately $7.70 (i.e. $5.00 US$) for each and every member of CSSS. The CSSS Council will be bringing forward a motion to the annual general meeting to have CSSS join IUSS, and to raise the membership dues to cover the cost. The proposal is to keep membership fees constant for students.

Thanks to the 70 society members who filled in the short questionnaire as part of their annual membership renewal. Your input is appreciated by CSSS Council. Of those who responded, very few expressed concern about CSSS having its annual meeting independently from AIC this year (Guelph) and next year (Banff). Many more expressed support for the idea, and indicated Council should continue to pursue new partnerships/arrangements with science societies having similar interests. A more detailed summary of the comments will be given out at the annual meeting.

The preparations for the CSSS annual meeting at the University of Guelph (Aug. 2nd - 4th, 2001) are well under way. Submissions of papers/posters is up 50% from last year, so plan on attending a great meeting. There is room for a few more posters (contact Gary Parkin email: The conference is being held in conjunction with the International Humic Substances Society, immediately following the International Conference on Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Planning for the meeting in Banff (2002) in cooperation with the Canadian Geophysical Union has started. David Chanasyk, Barb Kishchuk, and I will head the local CSSS organizing committee.

Gary Kachanoski, President, CSSS


This year we had 3 positions (President-elect, Eastern Councillor and Graduate Student Representative) which came open and were advertised in the February newsletter and on our web site. All three positions were acclaimed. We wish to welcome and express our appreciation to Dr. Ahmet Mermut (president elect), Dr. Denis Angers who will be continuing as Eastern Councillor and Ms. Vimy Glass an M.Sc student at the University of Guelph. Dr. Ahmet Mermut earned a B.Sc. in Soil Science and a Ph.D from the University of Ankara in Turkey. He was a research scientist at the Wagenigen Agricultural University from 1971 - 1979. He is with the Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan since 1979. His work in Canada has focused on pedology, with an emphasis on soil micromorphology, mineralogy and soil classification. He was instrumental in the research work and field study that resulted in the recognition of the Vertisolic Order in our classification. Dr. Mermut has researched tropical soils around the world, with recent projects in Brazil and in Indonesia. He is the leader of a major CIDA-funded project in the Rift Valley of Ethiopia. He is the current Chair of Commission V of the IUSS. Dr. Mermut served as associate editor and later as editor of CJSS from 1997 - 1999, which prospered under his guidance, publishing more papers and symposium proceedings than ever before. Dr. Mermut was elected a Fellow of the CSSS in 1999. He has an enthusiasm for Soil Science that is inspiring to all.

Dr. Angers is a Research Scientist at the Soils and Crops Research and Development Centre in Ste-Foy, Québec (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada). He has served as the CSSS Eastern Councillor and Editor of the Newsletter since 2000. Dr. Angers obtained his B.Sc.A. at Université Laval, his M.Sc. at the University of Guelph and his Ph.D. at McGill University. Dr. Angers is an adjunct professor at Université Laval and is an associate graduate faculty member at the University of Guelph. Dr. Angers is the Co-editor of the Soil and Environmental Science Dictionary. He has also served on the editorial committee for the Methods of Soil Sampling and Analysis and is currently serving on the editorial boards for Plant and Soil as well as Soil and Tillage Research. His main research interest involves the development of cropping practices to improve soil quality with particular emphasis on soil structure and organic matter cycling.

Ms. Vimy Glass is in her 2nd semester of an M.Sc program at the University of Guelph. She is currently working on greenhouse gas emissions under the supervision of Dr. Claudia Wagner-Riddle.

The CSSS council would like to express our sincere appreciation to Dr. Régis Simard, our past president, and Dr. Alain Plante our graduate student representative for their dedication and the tremendous amount of work that they did for CSSS when they served on council. Dr. Simard will still be kept very busy helping our society as he continues his term as Editor for the Canadian Journal of Soil Science. Dr. Plante has moved on from graduate studies and is currently working in a postdoctoral position in Versailles, France.

Craig Drury, CSSS Secretary

CSSS Council

Gary Kachanoski
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK
Tel: (306) 966-5754
Fax: (306) 966-5756

Martin Carter
Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
Charlottetown, PE
Tel: (902) 566-6869
Fax: (902) 566-6821 EMail:

Past President
Régis Simard
Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
Ste-Foy, QC
Tel: (418) 657-7985
Fax: (418) 648-2402

Craig Drury
Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
Harrow, ON
Tel: (519) 738-2251
Fax: (519) 738-2929

Marie-Josée Garand
Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
St. John’s, NF
Tel: (709) 772-7476
Fax: (709) 772-6064

Eastern Councillor
Denis Angers
Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
Ste-Foy, QC
Tel: (418) 657-7985
Fax: (418) 648-2402

Western Councillor
Barbara Kishchuk
Canadian Forest Service
Edmonton, AB
Tel: (780) 435-7336
Fax: (780) 435-7359

Student Representative
Alain Plante
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB
Tel: (780) 492-4143
Fax: (780) 492-1767

Décès de Dr. Gérard Bourbeau
Dr. Gérard Bourbeau, deceased

Le Dr. Gérard Boubeau, prêtre et professeur de science du sol à la retraite, est décédé le 21 mars 2001 à Ottawa à l’âge de 84 ans.

Dr. Bourbeau a étudié l’Agronomie à l’Université Laval et a été agronome et spécialiste en sol au Gouvernement du Québec.

Dr. Bourbeau served in the Canadian Military, retiring as Major in 1945.Dr. Bourbeau was also a Professor in Soil Science at the University of Maryland and worked in Pedology in Africa for the US Government. He was Dean of Arts at Laurentian University in Sudbury.

He began his studies in Theology at St.Paul’s University in Ottawa in 1965 and was ordained in 1969.

Il a ensuite été professeur et directeur du département des Sols à l’Université Laval, Québec, période durant laquelle il effectuait aussi un travail pastoral.

Dr. Bourbeau retired in 1982 and continued his pastoral work in Ottawa until his death. He was still a member of the Canadian Society of Soil Science.


The CSSS is happy to welcome the following new members:

Bing Si
Bullock Paul
Carefoot Janna
Currie Carolyn
Dyck M.
Fisher Gary R.
Hayes Jennifer
Ivarson Karl C.
Janzen H. Henry
Li Xiaomei
McMahon Shawna
Nelson Jason V.
Oelbermann Maven
Raymond David
Reynolds W. Daniel
Stevens Valerie
Weill Anne
Woods Shelley
Young Douglas S.


The program for the CSSS 2001 meeting in Guelph is nearly set. There will be seven exciting oral sessions on cutting-edge soil science research in Canada and abroad. Forty speakers have been selected on topics ranging from carbon sequestration to site specific crop management to fate of biosolids. Although the deadline has passed for submitting an oral paper, we are still accepting more poster presentations. See for registration instructions and an updated program. Hope to see you all in Guelph, Aug 2-4.

Dr. Gary Parkin
Assistant Professor
Land Resource Science
University of Guelph

News from CJSS

There are three new Associate Editors with the Journal. Dr. C.F. Drury from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Harrow, Ontario, Dr. C.A. Grant from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Brandon, Manitoba and Dr. C.M. Preston from Natural Resources Canada in Victoria B.C.. I wish to thank them for accepting this highly paid work for the sake of the Journal and the Society. They will replace Drs M. A. Arshad, H. Dinel and J. E. Richards who are leaving the editorial staff of the Journal. Dr. Arshad has served for two full terms and his contribution to the Policy Subcommittee of the AIC journals is much appreciated. Drs Richards and Dinel have served one term each and have contributed to maintain the standards of excellence of our journal in the fields of soil fertility and soil organic matter.

There will be a special issue of the Journal presenting papers of the ISSS Humic Substances working Group Symposia that was held in Charlottetown in 1999. This special issue edited by Dr. P.M. Wang from the University of Saskatchewan will generate a lot of interest for our Journal. The Journal continues to have the highest ISI impact rating of all journals of the AIC. It is important that members of the Society continue to use the Journal as medium for the publication of their results. The number of submissions to the Journal is lower than in other years (30 so far). The Associate Editors often mention that it is hard to get reviewers to read papers for the Journal.

Although everybody is overcrowded with work, please remember that the papers that you publish are read by at least three reviewers. The NSERC magazine had peer review fatigue as the title in one of its recent issue. Peer review is still an important part of our work as soil scientists, so I strongly encourage you to retain this activity amongst all of those that you have to support as soil scientists. You have seen new colour pictures in the cover page of the Journal. If you have such photographs describing the numerous facets of our science, please forward them to me in electronic format so they could be used in future issues of the Journal. If you have suggestions or comments about the Journal, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Régis R. Simard, soil scientist
Editor Canadian Journal of Soil Science

The Calendar - Forthcoming Meetings

June 25-27, 2001
Livestock - Options for the Future
Tri-Provincial Conference on Manure Management
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Dr. K Buckley, Brandon Research Centre

July 21-27, 2001
7th Int. Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis. Edmonton, Canada. Anette Palm,
Fax: + 49 6307 401104

July 29-August 2, 2001
6th International Conference on Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Univ.
Guelph, Guelph, Ontario.

August 1-3, 2001
Canadian Society of Soil Science, Guelph, Ontario.

August 3-9, 2001
12th World Fertilizer Congress, Beijing, China.
T: 86 24 2391 6261;
F: 86 24 2384 3313;

August 14-20, 2002
17th World Congress of Soil Science,
Bangkok, Thailand.
T: 662 940 5787;
F: 662 940 5788;

October 9-12, 2001
Soil Claissification 2001,
“Developing the basis for the systems of the future”
International Symposium, Hungary
Dr. Erika Micheli, Szent Istvan University
2100 Godollo, Hungary,
Phone 36 28 410200/1812
Fax: 36 28 410 804,

November 11-15, 2001
6th International Society of Root Research Symposium,
‘Roots: the Dynamic Interface between Plants and the Earth’,
Nagoya, Japan.

December 3-5, 2001
International Symposium on Importance of Potassium in Nutrient Management for Sustainable Crop Production in India
New Delhi, India
Dr.S.K.Bansal, Organizing Secretary,
Potash Research Institute of India,
Sector-19, Gurgaon-122001,
Phone : 0091-124-6340185
Fax: 0091-124- 6341792


The CSSS thanks the following members for their donations:
Mohamed Ali
Vanessa L. Bailey
Roger Baril
C.A. Campbell
Johan F. Dormaar
Marie-Joseé Garand
Ronal L. Halstead
Douglas W. Hoffman
Hideomi Kodama
Donald D. Lambie
K. Bruce MacDonald
G. Clarke Topp
Mel D. Webber
James R. Wright

Canadian Society of Soil Science
P.O. Box 637
Pinawa, Manitoba R0E 1L0
phone: (204) 753-2747
fax: (204) 753-2170

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